Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Paul's Update - 12/11/06

Dear Friends:

Today was Tabby's first day at her new job. She had to be there at 9am to start her day. It was mostly orientation and getting to know people but she seems to like it so far. Dad & Dora took care of Max, Paul and Ozzie. Dad worked with Paul to say some things today. He had to tell Dad when he was done eating or when he wants to get up. He really doesn't say things without repeating what you say but he has said a couple of things that were on his own. It is just a start to what we believe will be great things to come!! Today he was able to say Dora's name. She was surprised and pleased! He has gotten very good at saying new sounds and is saying new words quite easily. It is amazing to watch and hear!! He has trouble with names and when he cannot say a word it usually comes out as "ou". He also has trouble once he is tired. Dad also worked to get Paul to use his hands to help come to a standing position from the edge of the bed by himself. He is able to get to the edge of the bed and put his hands to his side on the bed and push himself forward to stand. Dad has to catch him once he starts to come up because he still doesn't have good balance and starts to fall back easily. I got home about 8pm tonight and was able to visit for a short time before it was time for Paul's medicines. He falls asleep within about 20 minutes after the medicines. It was good to see Paul doing so well ... all this improvement in just a few days!!

Have a great day, Lynne & Carl


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