Saturday, December 09, 2006

Paul's Update - 12/09/06

Dear Friends:

I am in South Carolina this weekend visiting with my Mother & two sisters. My niece Sarah goes to the University of South Carolina in Columbia and my niece Lizzie wanted to visit the campus so today was the "tour day". We have been having a good time visiting. Dad has been home with Paul & Tabby. Paul continues to do real well. Tabby has been working hard to get Paul to say more things. She works with his vocabulary skills quite a lot. She was able to get Paul to say "I'm hungry", "I'm thirsty", "I'm done", and "my name is" but he couldn't say "Paul". It is a great start and it is amazing to see him be able to say so many things. Tabby's brother William came home from the Air Force yesterday. Tabby went to pick him up at the airport and he spent the night with them. Mom & Dad Smith came to pick him up today and Tabby was able to spend some time with them this afternoon. Carolyn found out yesterday that she got the job she interviewed for on Monday. She will start in January!! So many good things are happening! God has been so good to us! Thanks for your continued prayers!!

Love & Hugs, Lynne & Carl


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