Sunday, December 03, 2006

Paul's Update - 12/02/06

Dear Friends:

The last several days have been real good. It is mostly quiet but Paul continues to do well. Tabby has been gone a bit this week to help a friend whose parents are both suffering with cancer. This friend's dad has just been moved into her home and hospice has been called in. Tabby has been able to help with handling the hospital, nurses and preparing the home. Carolyn has been keeping Max and she even kept Ozzy on Friday. Dora was with Paul most of the day on Thursday and Friday. Dad is almost done with the kitchen ... our countertops come on Tuesday next week and then he will be able to install the sink, dishwasher & water softener. We should have the flooring come next week as well. Tabby continues to work with Paul to say new sounds. He is getting better at following her when she makes sounds. He repeats after her and she works to improve his sounds. He was able to say "Hi, Bye, Ay, Ee, I, Woo, Why, & Wow" this evening. While Tabby was sitting with Paul he was trying to say something to her and then he held up his right hand and used his fingers to tell Tabby "I love you" by doing 1 finger (I), 4 fingers (L O V E), 3 fingers (Y O U). This is something that Paul and Tabby did with each other all the time before the accident. He also interlocked his fingers and "twiddled" his thumbs. Amazingly this is a difficult task that he was able to achieve with some work. Then he linked his fingers from the top and did the "Here's the church, Here's the steeple ... open the doors and see all the people". Making the steeple is very difficult and he had to work several times with help but he was finally able to do it by himself!! It was amazing ... he seems to enjoy working on new challenges. Gladys, the weekend nurse continues to come on time and she loves working with Paul & Max. She likes encouraging Paul to make word sounds. When she isn't taking care of Paul she loves taking care of Max. She plays with him and feeds him. Tabby really likes having her around. Tabby spent the day decorating the Christmas tree (it's huge!!) and cleaning out her office to make room for a new futon that someone is giving her. Tabby really enjoys preparing for Christmas!

Blessings, Lynne & Carl


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