Thursday, December 07, 2006

Paul's Update - 12/06/06

Dear Friends:

Paul continues to do real well. Since the deletion of the Dilantin he seems to have excelled in many ways. He seems more alert and willing to work with Tabby each day. Since the most recent development of the repeating "I ... Love ... You", he now says the full sentence without repeating each word individually. Tabby did a second video which I hope to send soon. I'm sorry if you couldn't see the first video. I had several people tell me that the link didn't work. Please let me know and I can send you a link to My Space to see it. Anyway ... tonight he told me "I love you". After Tabby got him started with "I", he finished the sentence "love you". It was great. Tabby worked on the "B" sound today. He was also able to say "GEE". She is trying to work on the alphabet with him. Dad still has to help Paul quite a bit with walking but his balance seems to be somewhat improved. Tabby went on a job interview on Monday. It would be nice for her to get a job that has benefits so she can discontinue the COBRA payment that she has to make now. No word from the doctor on the blood tests from last week. Apparently he will only call if he plans to make adjustments to the medicines so ... everything must be OK! We are thankful that Paul is doing so well. Thanks for your continued prayer ... our God is faithful!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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