Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/10/07

Dear Friends:

Dad received a call from the neurologist office this morning. It appears that Paul's sodium level is still too low and his liver enzyme levels are high. The suspected culprit is still the anti-seizure medicines. It looks like we will be on "med change alert" for the next couple of days. Dad reduced Paul's Trileptol by one tablet a day. He was getting three in the morning and two at night ... now they will be two in the morning and two at night. He also increased the Kepra, which is suppose to help the Trileptol work better, by one tablet a day. He will get two in the morning and two at night for this medicine also. Paul was not feeling very well today. He was also running a low grade fever (100.3 degrees). Dad gave him Tylenol and that seems to bring the fever down. He had trouble walking today and didn't talk much. The speech therapist came this afternoon and Paul did pretty good with her. He was able to identify his fork and spoon when she asked him. He did better identifying the fork ... we'll keep working on this. Brook (the therapist) was pleased to hear Paul identify words when she would start the first letter sounds. She believes he is getting better with this (we do too!!). She tried to do the alphabet but he didn't do well so the therapy was discontinued for today. He does very well when given choices. Tonight I told him his choices for dinner ... Tuna or hot dogs ... he said "Tuna". Dad scheduled an appointment today for Paul to get outpatient physical therapy. He is scheduled to go for his first therapy at the hospital on Monday next week. Tonight Paul watched TV with us. He was very tired and complained of a headache. Dad gave him more Tylenol. About 8:30pm Dad asked Paul if he needed something. He nodded "yes" and Dad asked "what do you need?". Paul said "hospital". Dad wasn't sure what he said and asked Paul to repeat what he said, again he said "hospital". Dad asked him if he remembered being in the hospital and he said "no". We aren't sure where this came from. He wanted to go to bed early so Dad got him ready. He was in bed by 9pm. Hopefully he will be feeling better on Wednesday!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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