Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/02/07

Dear Friends:

Sunday Paul didn't go to breakfast with us. He had breakfast at home with Gladys (the nurse) while Dad & I had breakfast with Bill & Ronda. Next week we will be able to take him since we have permission to bring Paul in through the side door which is more accessible. When it was time for Sunday School, Paul didn't want to go so Dad stayed home with him and they came down for worship. We live down the street from our church, and it was a beautiful day so Dad took Paul in the wheelchair and walked to church. Paul enjoyed the service. One of the members of our congregation helped Paul find the music in the hymnal to follow along. Gladys had made fried rice and brought it for us to have lunch. She really enjoys caring for Paul and likes bringing lunch from time to time! We had a restful afternoon. In the evening we went out for dinner to celebrate Billy's birthday. Paul ordered a Mexican pizza ... it was too much for him to finish!! Today we started out with a phone call from Dora (the weekday nurse) to say she was sick and wouldn't be here. That made the morning routine change a bit. Dad was able to give Paul a shower and get him dressed. After breakfast we needed to go out to pick up our car that was in the shop last week. Paul went with us and then he and Dad took a trip to the Verizon store. Uncle Jimmy came today to help Dad work on the deck. Dad wanted Paul to be able to use the drill to put in some screws but Paul wasn't interested in doing that. He sat on the part of the deck that was already completed and watched them work on the rest of it. He sat out there for several hours while they worked. He enjoyed being outside. It was a beautiful day for it. Everyday we have been asking Paul "what day is it?" and he usually isn't able to tell us unless you prompt him. Today I asked him and he said "Monday" without my prompt. He may have just gotten lucky but he got it right!!! Then I asked him "what is your name?" and he said "Charles" ... oh well!! This evening at dinner he and I were doing the blessing ... when I finished and said "amen", I looked up at him and he said "Amen"!! He seems to enjoy being able to say a blessing at each meal! Tomorrow Dad will work on the deck again. He plans to have Paul out there again. Things seem to be going well with Paul. Each day is a little different but he has adapted well to the changes in his routine. We do ask that you continue to pray for our family. We have had lots of changes and expect more. We need wisdom as we make decisions that will affect all of us.

Have a great day Lynne & Carl


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