Monday, April 16, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/15/07

Dear Friends:

Saturday started as usual with Gladys coming and getting Paul cleaned and dressed. I had an appointment to get my hair done so I was gone most of the morning. Paul had a quiet morning. We were planning to go out to the Mexican Restaurant for lunch with Bill & Ronda. We headed out around 12:30. The six of us (Bill, Ronda, Gladys, Paul, Carl and me) headed to Warrenton in Paul's van. It started raining on the way but by the time we got there it had stopped long enough to get inside the restaurant. Unfortunately it started raining harder by the time we came back out and we got a bit wet!! Paul had a hotdog and French fries meal instead of the Mexican food ... and no salsa or guacamole. He did real good coming home although we were prepared in case the ride made him sick. Apparently he just cannot eat the Mexican spices so he will not be eating for a while. Tabby came over in the evening to bring some of Paul's things over. She had Max with her and we enjoyed seeing him! We miss him a lot! She visited with Paul for a bit. When I asked Paul "Do you know her name?" he nodded yes. I said "Taaa" and he said "TABITHA!". Then I asked "do you know the baby's name?" and said "Maa" and Paul said "MAXWELL" ... not Max but Maxwell!! He really seems to know what he wants to say ... he just can't say it without help. Sunday Tabby came over around 8:30am to bring Max. He was going to spend the day with Daddy, Grandma & Pap-paw. Apparently Tabby is getting a new dog and took a trip to the southwest part of Virginia to pick him up. We weren't able to make breakfast with Bill & Ronda today (sigh!). I guess there will be plenty of other Sunday breakfasts!! LOL Getting to church was a challenge since it was raining heavily. We took Paul in the car instead of the van since the chair lift takes a long time to go up and down and Paul would be soaked by that time!! Max came to church with us and had a great time in the nursery. He had lots of playmates! Our Sunday School topic today was "Forgiveness" ... boy what a tough topic!! It made me look long and hard at the things we have experienced and the people that have hurt us along the way. Forgiveness is certainly not an easy thing to do but we are called to forgive. Isn't it interesting that God orchestrated such an important topic for today!! Paul did well in the service and lots of people were able to say hi to him. It is nice to have him be able to come to church with us! Monday morning Paul starts his physical therapy at the hospital. We are looking forward to much more progress with the professional help! Paul has come so far that we are encouraged in our thinking that he will walk some day on his own! We are certainly looking forward to the day when all of this will be just a MEMORY!

Have a great day! Lynne & Carl


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