Friday, April 13, 2007

Paul's Update - 04/12/07

Dear Friends:

Wednesday morning Paul woke with a fever of 101.9 degrees. He felt sluggish most of the day. Dad couldn't even get him up to walk and had to use the wheelchair all day. The speech therapist was suppose to come but Dad had called her the night before to cancel and reschedule. Paul felt so bad that he wouldn't even talk to us most of the day and he napped on and off all afternoon. Dad tried to get a doctor appointment but the doctor didn't have any openings and she suggested that we give Paul Gatorade and keep giving him Tylenol. If he didn't feel better by today Dad was suppose to call at 8am and get a "same day appointment". During the afternoon Paul got the chills and Dad had him covered with three blankets to help warm him. Later in the evening Paul wanted to stay up and watch TV with us and didn't want to go to bed until almost 11pm. This morning Dad found Paul still running a low grade fever so he called and got an appointment at 10am. The doctor decided he was fighting some kind of infection and gave him a fast acting antibiotic. It is a one day medication. She wasn't comfortable with prescribing a week worth of medicines since she wasn't sure how it would react with Paul's anti-seizure medicines. She also noticed that Paul's breathing was labored and wheezing so she gave him a prescription for Singulair. Paul spent most of the afternoon napping again. Dad said he would fall asleep in the recliner and then would suddenly wake up with a grin on his face. We like seeing smiles ... it shows emotion ... we don't get much of that!! Dad went over to Tabby's house this morning to give her the prescription that the doctor had written and found that SHE was home with a stomach virus. Must be something going around!! Carolyn & Billy were also sick this week!! This evening his fever was down and he seemed to feel much better. His breathing was better also. He still isn't back to himself and wasn't talking much but he stayed up late again tonight. Ronda & Bill came over with dessert. Dad & Paul were watching "The Last Samurai". All of us except Paul had dessert and coffee ... Paul wasn't interested in coffee tonight! Paul finally went to bed at 10:30pm. Hopefully Friday will be a more normal day and Paul will be feeling better!!

Happy Friday!! TGIF Lynne & Carl


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